1. MetaNet::arc_count
  2. MetaNet::arc_taxonomy
  3. MetaNet::co_net
    MetaNet networks
  4. MetaNet::co_net2
    MetaNet networks
  5. MetaNet::co_net_rmt
    MetaNet networks
  6. MetaNet::metab
    MetaNet networks abundance
  7. MetaNet::metab_g
    MetaNet networks metadata
  8. MetaNet::micro
    MetaNet networks abundance
  9. MetaNet::micro_g
    MetaNet networks metadata
  10. MetaNet::multi1
    MetaNet networks
  11. MetaNet::transc
    MetaNet networks abundance
  12. MetaNet::transc_g
    MetaNet networks metadata
  13. pctax::all_ec_info
    all element cycle information.
  14. pctax::all_sp_la_zh_name
    all species latin names and chinese names
  15. pctax::pc_tax1
    test data (pc_otu class) for pc_tax package.
  16. pcutils::little_guodong
    My cat
  17. pcutils::metadata
    test data for pcutils package
  18. pcutils::otutab
    test data for pcutils package
  19. pcutils::taxonomy
    test data for pcutils package
  20. ReporterScore::CPDlist
    The CPDlist used for enrichment.
  21. ReporterScore::Compound_htable
    Compound htable from 'KEGG'
  22. ReporterScore::KO_abundance
    The KOs abundance table and group table.
  23. ReporterScore::KO_htable
    KO htable from 'KEGG'
  24. ReporterScore::KOlist
    The KOlist used for enrichment.
  25. ReporterScore::Module_htable
    Module htable from 'KEGG'
  26. ReporterScore::Pathway_htable
    Pathway htable from 'KEGG'
  27. ReporterScore::genedf
    human gene table
  28. ReporterScore::hsa_kegg_pathway
    pathway information for "hsa"
  29. ReporterScore::metadata
    The KOs abundance table and group table.
  30. ReporterScore::mmu_kegg_pathway
    pathway information for "mmu"
  31. ReporterScore::reporter_score_res
    'reporter_score()' result from KO_abundance_test
  32. ReporterScore::reporter_score_res2
    'reporter_score()' result from KO_abundance_test